We offer one-time low pricing on all shows and we are amenable to a risk sharing fee arrangement.
Our production carries all AV including:
- Ten Moving Lights
- Two 2 watt RGB Lasers
- Circular truss and Ground Based Rigging
- Flexible Stage Layout to Fit Any Venue
Power Requirements: All lighting/video/haze/fogger are 180 amps single phase 110V in separate 20 Amp Circuits. We may use our power distribution if needed.
La Jolla
Booking Agency
The "Infinite Floyd - A Pink Floyd Experience" show production is brought to you Exclusively By:
We employ an in-house publicist who will assist with your publicity, including press releases to local newspapers, radio and television interviews, targeted online markets, and social media outlets.
Contact: Andy Nagle
For Pricing, Routing and Rider
Are you on Facebook? So are we! Like our page and get updates on all we do!
Have Questions for The Band? Email it here:
After several years of successful performances on stages large and small, Infinite Floyd now uses a versatile assortment of Musicians, Stage Layouts, Setlists, and Soundscapes to fit any Venue, Size or Occasion!
We look forward to working with you to provide the best Floyd Experience for you and your audience.
Copyright 2020. Infinite Floyd - A Pink Floyd Experience. All rights reserved.